Write For Us

Welcome to the new Tech Sales Salary blog!

If you’re interested in writing articles for us, please contact us.

Thank you for expressing interest in writing a guest post for Creately. We know it can be hard, but we’re glad you are here.

Writing for a platform like ours is a great way to show your expertise. With our support and guidance, you’ll also get exposure on social media and our good will 🙂😎

By taking the time to review this entire page, you’ll get a clear understanding of how to submit material for consideration and what types of items are being accepted.

What We’re Looking For

When you submit an article on our blog, do your research to make sure that your contribution is a comprehensive, data-driven article. This will increase your chance of getting published.

  • We’re looking for posts that are well-researched (800+ or more words), and helpful.
  • We only use 100% original, unpublished content. We won’t republish anything from other sources.
  • Avoid citing your competitors, even if they’re relevant, and don’t use any irrelevant promotional links to websites.
  • Instead of using stock photos with no purpose or value, use Creately to better illustrate your point and take your ideas to the next level. We don’t use images just because they are available. Instead, we only include images that add value to the text.
  • The article rewriter uses-subheadings, bullet points, and shorter paragraphs which make the text more readable.

We provide a wide range of topics.

Our target audience is individuals and teams from different departments. Our goal is to provide practical and actionable information that viewers can use for their own workflow improvement efforts. With that in mind, the types of content we’re looking for are clear, compelling perspectives about how to work better and more efficiently together digitally.

  • Visual collaboration
  • Education
  • Business and technical diagramming
  • Visual problem-solving
  • Visual ideation and communication.
  • Database
  • Business ideas
  • Business Plan
  • Business process modelling 
  • Technologies News
  • Gaming

Design thinking is a way of asking questions in order to come up with answers. Whereas brainstorming aims to uncover ideas by collecting a team’s thoughts, design thinking provides the “how” and “what” to those ideas. In essence, the purpose of design thinking is to bring your creative mind into tangible reality through collaboration with others.

Business process modelling – We help companies and startups manage what already exists.

Well, as for what we’re looking for in blog posts, there are a few basic things. We typically want to see a certain amount of comments on each post and engagement from social media. On top of that, we like to find the angle or story that is unique and interesting about your company. Please provide us with the direction for what you want to blog about and what you want your posts to look like. That way we can give you a personalised quote!

Our Benefits

  • An audience that is a single step away

The blog earns 10,000+ visitors per month, and is gaining momentum. We also send your article to our monthly newsletter, which will bring your content in front of even more readers.

  • Having a social media presence is crucial for new businesses hoping to gain exposure in their niche. 

We maintain an active presence on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. All your articles will be shared to reach more people on those networks for additional exposure.

  • Payments

We don’t pay for writers to come up with and publish content, but if you’re a professional writer who’s interested in working with us, we’d love to look at your work samples.

Submission Guidelines

  • Once your content is submitted, the Creately team will review it and determine if the article meets our standards. The editors reserve the right to reject submissions and make minor edits to your articles.
  • Good quality content should be at least 1000 words in length and offer something valuable for our readers.
  • We believe that every article should contain links to relevant resources. However, only one of the links should point to your company. You can link to other relevant articles that may be of use in the body of your blog post. Please refrain from placing too many links within your article. For an average article, it’s best to have under five links.
  • We have a few guidelines for making outbound links. For instance, you cannot link to dating sites or make-money-fast-sites, sites like SEO agencies or companies that offer credit repair.
  • Once published on our blog, you simply cannot publish it anywhere else.
  • Images and videos are imperative to entice readers. Have a photo of your product and don’t forget the caption!
  • Images in posts should be 580 pixels or less. Please send them as a separate file attachment.
  • When you’re using images on your website, make sure not to violate copyright. Giving credit is necessary if you use copyrighted images, so make sure you do this.
  • There’s no need for you to import diagrams into your work. Our diagram community gives access to draw or create diagrams and then publish them online so that anyone can use them in their presentation.

If you’ve been thinking about submitting an article idea, So please Contact Us

Tech Sales Salary

For any other information or inquiry, write to: mianirfan0101@gmail.com

Writer: sarmadsadiquee@gmail.com

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